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Ok, ok, ok. I didn't keep up....

2003-12-27 - 5:01 p.m.

Ok, ok. I haven't written in months. I apologize, I really do! I wish I could keep up on this diary, it is so theraputic sometimes, and besides, who cares what anyone thinks of it, it is, after all, MY DIARY. So this time, no promises. I'll write when I am pissed, frustrated, bored, or whenever I damn well feel like it! Ok, I feel better now.

Here comes my normal bitch about Chris' ex. Last week, the last week of school, Megan was out because she cut her foot open and had 6 stitches right on the ball of her foot. So, Sara was at school, and Kathy was helping out with various Christmas things (aka, getting in everyones way and pretending they all like her...) Well, Sara's teacher tracks Kathy down, and tells her that Sara is in the office with a 102 teperature and vomiting. So, does Kathy call us to pick her up?(she doesn't have a drivers license) Does she find my Mother in Law, who is also on campus? Neither. Instead, she WALKS Sara the 1/2 mile to our house! In the middle of December!!! With a fever of 102 and vomiting!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! What a DUMB BITCH!! Needless to say, Sara's fever went up to 104 and we almost took her to the emergency room before I finally got it to break.

Ok, my diary has become a bitch-about-Kathy fest! On a lighter note, Christmas was great. The girls got some great stuff. Megan got a model helicopter that really flies, Sara got a set of phones with a 30 ft. cord, one goes in their bedroom and one in the living room. It is soooo cool! And of course, my grandparents got them each a keyboard with a microphone. Aren't grandparents great like that? They go through the store, and find the loudest, most annoying toy there is. Oh well, the girls love them. Plus, I can teach them how to play, since I have about 3 years of experience, and Chris has 1.

Well, I hope everyone had a better-than-expected Christmas, and a better New Year!!!

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