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new years sucks....

2004-01-01 - 7:39 p.m.

Ok, so I bet you never thought in a million years that I would update twice in one week, eh? Well, well, well... Oh ye of little faith, HERE IT IS!!!!!! I have suddenly become addicted to Neopets. I admit it. I am hopelessly addicted. I spend my internet hours playing a childs game on the computer. It's cool though. I'm comfortable with this. At least I'm not out looking at child porn or something, right?

So, honestly, I have nothing to say. I had hoped to open this page, and say something really witty about how my New Years went, but really, it sucked. I came home from work yesterday at 2pm (I love early shifts!) and took a nap. Got up to find out that I wasn't just tired, I have a full fledged cold. My nose is running like nobodys business. So I managed to stay up till midnight, 12:06, to be exact. Then, I woke up this morning to be at work from 8am-3pm. Well, this cute-as-a-button little 19 year old I work with called in sick. Who in their right mind calls in sick on New Years Day???? I don't care if you have some rare and highly contagious disease, and you can't get out of bed, you have the ambulance bring you in on a stretcher to prove that you don't just have a hangover!!! Oh, and btw, she just has a hangover, I guarantee it. So here I am, sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose every 3 minutes, hand sanitizer in my pocket and Kleenex under the counter, trying desperately to get the ancient 1-hour photo machine to start up, when my boss gives me that you-know-your-my-favorite look. Can I please PLEASE stay 'till 4:30? Why the hell not. She gives me her thank-you-your-the-best speal, and I grunt in return. (Am I using the connect-everything-with-hyphens-thingie too much? I'll try to refrain...) So I manage to get through the day, only to come home at 4:30 and find out my in-laws need us to have THEIR movies back by 5:00 because they went to town to go shopping. It's ok, I didn't want to sit down. Let's go!!!

Ok, enough feeling sorry for myself. I need some good news goddammit!!! Leave me a note, tell me something good that happened on New Years eve, so that I don't have to think of this as an omen of things to come!!!

this way - that way

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